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PUB prides itself on delivering excellent water and wastewater services. We employ knowledgeable and professional staff members throughout each of our nine departments, and can work together to provide the best resources for our customers.

Management & Administration

PUB's management and administration team oversees the operation, maintenance, extension, and replacement of the city's water and sanitary sewer systems. The department ensures compliance with all local, state and federal guidelines and regulations, develops and manages annual budgets and financial resources, and develops and implements processes and procedures for efficient operations while working to maintain the facilities necessary to encourage economic development.


The PUB technical staff performs design, surveying, and layout services for all in-house projects, as well as for most system extensions required for development projects. Our staff inspects service line installation and repairs, sewer lateral installation and repairs, backflow and cross-connection devices, mark line locations, and perform leak adjustment investigations. We regularly provide assistance to commercial locations concerning grease traps and residential sewer line maintenance issues. In addition, the technical staff also assists customers with water- and sanitary sewer-related issues while ensuring compliance with local, state, and federal requirements, and are available for engineering support for new services and improvements.

Customer Service

PUB's customer service representatives field numerous calls or in-person inquiries from customers regarding service or billing issues. The staff has the ability to read meters, place service-related work orders, prepare your bills, receive and process payments, and assist in resolving service-related issues.

Facility/Equipment Maintenance

PUB's facility/equipment maintenance personnel are responsible for maintaining all water and wastewater treatment, pumping equipment, and facilities. They also maintain all ancillary equipment and facilities, including all rolling stock, heavy equipment, and power-operated equipment utilized in the operation and maintenance of Parkersburg's water and sanitary sewer systems.

Wastewater Treatment

Our plant is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by licensed operators are to ensure proper operation of the Parkersburg regional wastewater treatment facility. The plant is designed for a daily average flow of 10 million gallons a day; the current average daily flow is between five and six million gallons a day. The treatment facility receives flow from the City of Parkersburg, and surrounding areas, along with the City of Vienna.

Wastewater Collection Maintenance

Our wastewater collection maintenance team cleans, televises, maintains, extends, and replaces components of the city’s sanitary sewer collection system. Our crews routinely clean and televise lines in the system to confirm reliability and determine the need for repair due to structural failure, extraneous water infiltration, or service-related issues. Two maintenance/construction crews routinely repair, line or replace parts of the sewer mains, manholes, or service laterals that comprise the system. These repairs or replacements can be completed through physical replacement of the failed component or by installing cured-in-place lining systems that require much less disturbance of the above ground infrastructure.

Water Treatment

Parkersburg’s water treatment plant is monitored at all hours of the day and night. Our staff of licensed operators ensures proper operation and production of reliable and clean drinking water for our customers. Plant operators are prepared to schedule a visit to customers’ homes or businesses to collect samples and investigate water quality questions or concerns. The plant is designed for an average daily flow of eight million gallons a day, and the well field has a current capacity of about eight million gallons a day. Our average daily production is currently around four million gallons a day, supplying water to the City of Parkersburg and some surrounding areas.

Water Distribution Maintenance

The water distribution maintenance crews maintain, extend, repair, and replace components of the PUB's water distribution system, such as old, weak or undersized lines, valves and hydrants. Three maintenance/construction crews have the ability to repair or replace the many components that comprise the distribution system. These crews respond to emergency situations at all hours and in all weather and perform the necessary work to restore water services.

Meter Services

The Meter Technicians read hundreds of meters each day for weeks at a time. They test and repair meters, pits and lids and perform emergency shut offs when necessary. Meter Technicians also are available to help customers with home leak detection. Please call to schedule an appointment if needed.

Have questions? We have answers.

We help our customers in any way we can. Just give us a call, and we’ll put you in touch with the appropriate Department Supervisor to get your problems solved.

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