- We have a design capacity of 8.0 MGD with a maximum capacity of 12 MGD.
- Our aeration system is used to release entrained gases, oxidize soluble minerals, and raise the raw water pH.
- We then use flash mixing with chemicals to oxidize soluble manganese and begin the formation of solids.
- Flocculation is done to complete the formation of solids.
- Clarification is required to provide a zone to filter and settle the solids.
- Filtration traps any solids that did not settle, and polishes the water for clarity.
- Post chemical addition of chlorine is used to disinfect. Fluoride is used to help prevent tooth decay and polyphosphate, and minimizes mineral deposits in the distribution system.
- Clearwell detention ensures chlorine has completed the disinfection process.
- Finally, pumping provides the pressure necessary to distribute the water throughout the distribution system.
- Booster pumping stations provide additional pressure to areas that cannot be served by tank elevation pressure.
- Storage tanks and reservoirs provide volumes of reserves to compensate for high consumption periods when plant production cannot meet the need and for firefighting reserves in emergencies.
- Our storage capacity is 11.4 MGD.
- PUB currently maintains 1,174 hydrants located throughout the distribution system for flushing of the system and for use by the fire department when necessary.